Sunday, August 08, 2004

bleater to my ears

What a weekend (so far)! Friday night Jenny, Pat, and Lisa Nolan came into Ann Arbor and met Richard, Mary, and me at The Earle - a downtown, underground restaurant that serves tradition French and Italian country dishes. After hours of eating, we returned to the streets of town and made our way to Conor O'Neills - for drinks. I don't always like Guiness, but having it on tap at this place is fantastic. Saturday Jenny, Lisa, Pat, and I went to Greenfield Village with two carloads of kids. I'd never been; it was pretty interesting. Then last night Richard and Mary came over, desserts in hand, and I grilled some steaks, all of which we ate by the pool. As the night wore on we lit Pat's patio fire pit to stay warm. God bless Michigan summers.

It was great to catch up with Jenny. She says she'd love to come back with Adam and Erin, and I strongly support this. Over the course of the weekend the topic of fasting arose. Though I didn't follow through last spring, I'm going to try again this fall with the Master Cleanser fast.

And now for something completely different: Blackie says hello.