Monday, January 09, 2006

A post for me.

Well, I'm back on the road again. This time, though, I've got some key area contacts* to tap for much needed respite**. Tonight we had traditional*** Monday night New Orleans beans and rice. It was great; like a little plate of home-cooked goodness to get me through the week. Adam and I shared a heated conversation about the good and the bad of the BCS while Erin and Jenny, eyes rolling, tried to distract us with desserts and stories of home****.

That's going to be it for now. It's not much, I know, but it's something. Small steps.

* my cousins Jenny and Adam and his wife Erin
** from work, traveling, etc.
*** so much so that Adam finds it offensive to consider not eating this dish each and every Monday
**** with some, but not not total, success. Actually, the stories of home were phenomenal. The Nolan's, among other things, are terrific story-tellers, a talent they no doubt inherited from Uncle Bruce, so it's always a pleasure to sit and chat about New York and The Bayou.