Thursday, August 19, 2004

Plymouth Nights

As the title would indicate, tonight marks my first night in the Nolan household. I arrived at the house to find a nice "Welcome Mike" sign hanging in the front hallway, hand painted by the kids before they left for a week at Glen Lake, Michigan. They are set to return on Saturday, so until then, the house is mine.

My time here has certainly gotten off on the right foot. Richard and Mary came over, after helping me move furniture into storage, and we proceeded to consume copious amounts of grilled pork loin, veggies, and whiskey out on the pool-side patio. From there we made our way to the hot tub, only getting out for that brief exodus to the pool where the chilly waters served as a nice contrast to the 104 degrees of the tub. Finally, when the whiskey bottle ran dry, Richard and Mary headed back to my former home of Ann Arbor and here I sit in my new room in my new house in my new town writing this entry. And though my future is still heavily veiled from my eyes, I find myself excited for the months to come. REEAR REEAR REEAR, as they say.

Last night about 4 am I got a call from none other than TClary herself. Now, I haven't spoken to Taylor in many months, and yet I got the distinct impression that she was saddened by the fact that I answered my phone. Apparently she just wanted to leave me a message. What a Seinfeldian world we live in - sorry Taylor! Hopefully we'll iron things out at the Notre Dame v. Michigan game in a few weeks. I plan on being there.

Well, it's getting late and I must not allow myself to go to sleep until the rest of my computer and stereo are set up. Clothes can wait, but cable and internet...these are priorities!
